i will be the first to admit that i never seen the big deal with the whole Amber Rose craze. to me, she was just Kanye's chick of the moment...u know every couple of years he changes 'em out. he has this "serial monogamy" down to a science. so what was the big deal with this new chick? okay she's a blond dike....okay she clearly loves the American Apparel frocks...okay she's a video chick. yea, i just wasn't understanding the fascination. but now...but now, Amber Rose has grown on me. it is very much like me to always root for the underdog. i LOVED Kimmie K back when everyone hated her for her sex tape. i checked her credentials and seen she may have something else 2 bring 2 the table. and look how the world loves some Kim Kardashian now...every mediocre black celeb chick is flocking to her hoping some of her shine rubs off on them.
BACK to A.Rose...she is def making the most out of her situation. i dig her mostly b/c she seems to be hella loyal to Kanye. clearly, she is appreciative of the exposure he has brought her and i def rolls with her for that. i love that she isn't trying extra hard to get publicity...no need for nude pics & such..the paps love her when she's just taking a cig break. so i say... KUDOS to mizzz amber rose for taking her 15 minutes and doing the most with it. i actually hope her 15 is extended to an hour. im sure she will have no problem doing so considering she is signed with one of the TOP modeling agencies in the world...FORD MODELS.
for more Amber Rose...follow her on twitter @ twitter.com/darealamberrose
enjoy her FABness
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