it has been 28 days since i've seen him, and communication has been almost as scarce.
it's safe to say that it is time to officially move on. i am finally coming out of my 2 week funk and realizing that in order to get better i have to get moving. i've been torturing myself lately. visiting his twitter and facebook pages....i even looked at his blog knowing he RARELY updates that. i've even checked his website for new additions and revisions lol. but now, i realize that the more i check up on a life i'm no longer a part of...the more i will hurt. so instead of just going through the motions of my life, i will actively participate in it. i will consciously enjoy my friends and the time spent with them. i will come out of my own head & heart space in order to feel the sun, hear my laughter, and activate my smile.

the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.
the relationship is over.

*sigh* i had to say those words out loud, because just writing them doesn't seem to be enough to convince my heart that the relationship is in FACT....over. #ouch. today is my last day of contact. time to reprogram. my life must go on. this doesn't mean i won't hurt, cry, or miss him. this just means i am prepared to let go & let LIFE happen.
i'm good.....well, i'm getting back to being good.
this is me, officially moving on.

Cyrah Austin Hawkins,
as much as i...no,WE ....
as much as we both wanted this to work, it didn't.
i won't place blame. we are both responsible for this failure.
we had some good times and i won't let the hurt of a broken heart
cause me to forget them. i pray that you first find and LOVE God.
then, in finding and forging your relationship with Him...i pray you find YOU.
i don't have to pray for you to find love, because i am sure that will come easily.
BUT, i do pray that the love is the epitome of 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love.
unconditional, forgiving, pure, comforting, honest, enduring.
i don't regret anything. i don't regret us. you helped me open my heart again.
i will forever be grateful to you for that.
u broke down my wall/guard & climbed right on in.
so thank you.
perhaps one day we'll be friends again.
but until then....
may wisdom, love, faith, happiness, courage, and favor never leave you.
i'll love you forever
& will always carry you in my heart.
your scent, your fingerprints, & our memories...will linger.
see you next lifetime baby.
& as always...be confident. be charismatic. be CYRAH....GYSO! *smile*

...faded pictures....
p.s. this will be my last blog regarding him and this situation.

the end.....
1 comment:
the precious information you provided do help our team's investigation for our company, thanks.
- Lucas
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