she is my sister. my business partner. my motivator. my friend. my advisor. my role model. the little devil on my shoulder.
she is what every little girl should strive to be... independent.
Constance J. Rush. please say the J. graduated at the top of her class from Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU). then went on to secure a spot at Taylor PR, one of the top public relations firms in the nation. Taylor has instituted a scholarship in her name at FAMU and she is now in her first year of law school in Cali. my sister and i are in the same state again..yay!!!!! Cons... CJ... or whateva u wanna call her, is one of those women men dream about, girls envy, and powerful people praise. she IS all of that and more. this is why she has made her way into my Fab Files.
she will also be a contributing writer on this blog. be on the lookout for her input.
Be fab!

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