Thursday, June 2, 2011

PLAYLIST: simple mathematics....

in my humble opinion, this new ballad is right on track to become my favorite song. *gasp* yes yes it's true. this coveted spot has long been occupied by Dangerously In Love, so the song that was able to knock that classic out of it's spot couldn't have been by anyone but Bey.

i first heard the song via a video uploaded by Jay Z of Bey rehearsing the song backstage at American Idol. the pure emotion with which she sang was infectious. she brought tears to my eyes almost immediately. if i wasn't already in love, hearing this song would have inspired me to seek, learn, and understand this deep "love" thing she sang about so beautifully.

a few people on twitter adamantly disagreed with my claim to put "1+1" on the level of DIL (dangerously in love). but for me, 1+1 is the grown up version of DIL. 1+1 happens when you've been heartbroken a time or two. 1+1 is the result of age, a bit of wisdom, a couple of tears, and a whole lot of sleepless nights. 1+1 came about after the relationship failed, succeeded, got off track, then was resurrected because of something that goes beyond all reason and understanding. 1+1 exudes LIFE and LOVE. DIL was young love, full of fantasy and naivete. DIL was that wet behind the ears love, the love that you experienced before you actually knew YOU. one is not better than the other. just different. perfect for the different stages of life. if you have yet to experience that gut wrenching love, perhaps you won't fully understand or appreciate 1+1. and that's fine. mark my words though, once it happens to you, you will be searching the internet for this song so you can sway along to the flow. you will turn the song on and truly feel every word of it. and when she sings "and i dont know much about fighting but i, i know i would fight for you. just when i ball up my fist i realize, im laying right next to you"... when you hear that you're going to think about all of the times when you were prepared to go to war for your love.

every guttural note, every ache, and every inflection will bring a flicker of a memory of this love.

i can only pray that you all experience this.
it's beautiful.

enjoy it. every single moment. bad, good, all of it. it's worth it. i promise.


needless to say, i am EXTREMELY excited for this album! "4" comes out June 28. i love that the album's name holds so much significance to Bey. she and jay z's birthdays both fall on a 4th. they got married on a 4th and this is her 4th album. i can only imagine how personal and amaaazing this album is going to be. i am betting this will be her best.

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