Wednesday, March 28, 2018

POETICALLY INCLINED: This Insightful Mind Evolves

If time was an object, i'd throw it out the window
disregard it like something that's grown old
bury it deeper than 6 feet down
outcast it like a stranger in town....

it'd never matter again
it'd never dictate motivation
or procreation

time wouldn't be a factor in our pursuit of happiness
we'd just go and go and go, never minding what our age is

if time was an object, it wouldn't be strapped to my wrist
or displayed proudly on walls in homes and offices

i'd hide it like our deepest, darkest secrets
cover it up heavily so that no one can see it

if time was an object, it would probably look better with glitches
decorated with loop holes, a lapse or two and dimensions

if time was an object...

i'd give you mine over and over again.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

LIFE AND SUCH: it's impossible to fail

There is no such thing as monsters
There is no such thing as monsters
There is no such thing as monsters

I remember repeating this before bed on numerous childhood occasions of watching a movie that was too scary for my age.

It was all make believe right?? Nothing was hiding under my bed, in my closet or in my bathroom mirror. Little did I know that the real monster was dwelling in my mind.

Negative thoughts of confusion, self doubt and fear were looming in small crevices of my cranium... laying in wait. Planted with the sole purpose to snuff out dreams, hopes, motivation and creativity. Illusions of defeat trickle in to crush any notion of success beyond imagination.

There is no such thing as monsters
There is no such thing as monsters
There is no such thing as monsters

I repeat this daily, but now in the form of personal development, prayer, meditation, positive affirmations and visualization. Correct and progressive thinking is the enemy of negative and self-defeating beliefs. We can not fail when we consume our mind with thoughts that put a positive spin on ALL life situations. 

"what you seek is seeking you" -Rumi

Find comfort in the fact that our biggest goals and dreams are on the hunt for us. When we should in fact be in plain sight; fear and negativity become like a blanket of darkness that blinds us to them. Our constant focus on a bigger belief system, becomes the light that is a beacon for us to make our way toward our goals.

Let us light up our mind and know that we CAN do ALL things.


There is no such things as monsters anyway.

xo, McK

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

LIFE AND SUCH: 2018 update

Wow! It has been quite some time since I updated my blog and I am actually extremely excited to get back into the groove.

It's only right that I give an update on things going on with me. Let's do a quick run down to get reacquainted!

Twelve days ago I resigned from my full time job to pursue LIFE instead. I am grateful to be in a position that allows me the option to do this. I have no children, I'm not married and have no pressing responsibilities that would keep me tied to a desk that isn't fulfilling me.

So, I gave my notice and got to work. Not after I left my job, but while I was there. The last quarter of 2017 I self published my first book, launched a greeting card line and refocused the direction of my Herbalife business. I laid the bricks before resigning. And good thing! I saw a $700 increase in my Herbalife check from January 2018 to March 2018, my body is looking great and I now have the time to CREATE content for my website, blog and greeting cards!!

At 32 years old, it's safe to say that I was definitely afraid to leave my comfort zone of a steady check. I had to draw inspiration from all of my family and friends who are doing the things I aspire to do and just go for it.

When we put the work in, failure isn't even an option. Life rewards those who throw their whole heart into LIVING. I have so many goals for 2018 and everyday I do the work on my heart, mind and spirit to keep me motivated, fearless and focused on achieving those goals.

As cliche' as it may sound, our greatest life is truly on the other side of our comfort zone. I understand and respect life so much, I know that living it POURED OUT is the only way to be fulfilled. Every idea, dream, hope and wish I have ever had... I desire to make strides to accomplish them. I want a life filled with "I've done.." "I've learned..." "I've succeed..."

Stay tuned...

there is more

xo, McK

LIFE AND SUCH: action activates

This week I was listening to a training on YouTube by Mark Hughes (founder of Herbalife) and he said something that was so simple and yet so...