Thursday, October 20, 2011

PLAYLIST: video of the year

"it's like screaming, but no one can hear. you almost feel ashamed, that someone could be that important...that without them you feel like nothing. no one will ever understand how much it hurts. you feel nothing can save you. then when it's over and it's gone, u almost wish you could have all that bad stuff that you could have the good"

that opening monologue.....the video....the song....all reminders that EVERYONE loves and EVERYONE hurts.

it's real. it's potent. it's everything.



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

STYLE STAR: perfect 10

this chick rarely, if ever, takes a bad picture...nudies included.

effortless style.

her looks are innately her. she never looks like she is trying too hard to be ahead of a curve or "on trend". she just is.

kudos miss cass.

you are def a style star in my book.


MODEL BEHAVIOR: living up to her name...



Chanel Iman...rising icon. Kanye muse. haute!

loving her!


My 2 Cents: More Substance

i am a HUGE fan of Destiny's Child, thus making me even more of a fan of the individuals. i adore Kelly, Michelle, and Beyonce' really. I am so very excited for Kelly's breakout year. She has had great success with her music stateside, that doesn't yet match her overseas fanbase, but it is growing.

now, all of this to say that i am disappointed with Kelly's lack of substance and creativity with her videos. having sweaty, well built men fawning over you in an oversexualized way in your videos is....old.

push the envelope...don't play it safe by being mediocre and stereotypical. sexy song doesn't mean you HAVE to have an OVERTLY sexy video. implied sexy is MUCH more sexy than the in your face lust she displays in her vids. *sigh* i just want her to go even better. don't do the obvious.

anywho, that is just my 2 cents. peep the vid for Lay It On Me below.

shout out to my homie @hitboy_sc for the production on this joint!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

PLAYLIST: just ask me....and i will. STAY

you're the only one i want to put up with.
put us back together's all up to you.

ask me and i will....stay.

i love you.


LIFE AND SUCH: action activates

This week I was listening to a training on YouTube by Mark Hughes (founder of Herbalife) and he said something that was so simple and yet so...