sleeping in sin.
sleeping w thoughts
that would make porn
stars blush.im sleeping
in sin & waking w the scarlett
letter F branded on me...
my fornication, forgiven
pray 4 me yall...
im addicted 2 flirting & feeling good.
addicted 2 doin the opposite of wut i kno i should.
i have a serious problem & no anonymous group can fix it.
F*CK a 12 steps & a nicotine patch, i need my hit!
gotta have my senses continuously stimulated.
that mental contact that'll have my pupils AND thoughts dialated.
im addicted 2 that good $h!t...
that "smuggled ovr the border" type of weight.
gots me a stash so crucial & this is a habit i just cant shake,
so pray 4 me yall...
im addicted 2 flirting & feeling good.
and it's getting quite serious...